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Board-Approved Policies

The following policies and procedures have been approved by the Board of Directors of Do & Be Arts Academy of Excellence and are provided here as public notice. They are effective from the date of passage until a revision, extension, replacement, or null-vote occurs by the board. 

Policy or Handbook
Fiscal Records Retention Policy
Policies regarding fiscal record retention, especially as it relates to grant funds. Updated as needed or decided upon by the Board of Directors.
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Fiscal Inventory Policy
Policies regarding tracking inventory purchased with grant funds. Updated as needed or decided upon by the Board of Directors.
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Fiscal Allowability Policy
Policies regarding which items are allowable for purchasing with grants funds. ​Updated as needed or decided upon by the Board of Directors.
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Restorative Discipline Plan
Restorative Discipline plan for the 24-25 school year. Updated annually.
Employee Handbook
Policies governing employees of Do & Be Arts Academy of Excellence for the 24-25 school year. Updated annually.
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Student Family Handbook
Policies governing student conduct and expectations for the 24-25 school year. Updated annually.
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Equity Policies
Statements and policies regarding equitable practices. Includes the Gender Identity & Expression Policy, McKinney-Vento Policy, and Foster Youth Policy.
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Volunteer Policy
Policies for daily and long-term volunteers on campus. ​Updated as needed or decided upon by the Board of Directors.
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Complaint Policy
Policies and procedures for the receipt and processing of complaints. ​Updated as needed or decided upon by the Board of Directors.
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